Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hey guys... its gr8 2b back in FL..
i mean it was pretty cold in NY but fun...
neways were back (to skewl) aint that exciting..
hope yall saw everyone u wanted to c i mean i
didnt b/c i didnt know who i wanted to c but wtvr..
משיח Now!! and Alwasy remeber to SMILE!!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

NEVER TRY THIS AT HOME!!! cookies on the top of the fridge...

so pretty :)
BAIS CHAYA ROX!! C.K. or maybe is it C.L?
(or is it R-O-C-K-S?????) :):):)
hope ya'll enjoy all the pictures.... WE ROCK!!! more pictures r hopfully coming... im"h
if ne one of u dormies have dorm pictures please email it to me... thanx!!!
Have a gr8 time in Bais Chaya Prep. Academy:)......

our own personal space... (for our dorm counslors)

Our 'fix it man' of the dorm!!

Moshiach can come now.. D.S cleaning???

u see we study!!
hey all those who want to see the basi chaya slide show here it is...

whos doin the garbage???

who could eat the most cake?? chavi or Geula....

our dorm building:)

Like the cake???

Good Bye Party

Bye Devorah Leah... cu

Lighting the Menorah!

Chanukah Universal

Our 'BUS" Driver



U COOK???:):):)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


wow is that ours??

Love each other:)

D.S. and chaya

Tie Taste

Hey all those B.C.P.A. fans... heres some pictures ...
