A Little Update!
Hey Everyone...
heres a lil' update on wats happening... well we sorta didnt take any pictures since pesach so thats my excuss for no pictures being up but we took pictures but not on a digital camera so when that camera is developed then ill update it... But on funny thing... A bird during pesach decided to build a nest in our dryer vent and then one day it flew into our apartment so those pictures will be put up (eventually)
p.s.: to those who are sick FEEL BETTER!
heres a lil' update on wats happening... well we sorta didnt take any pictures since pesach so thats my excuss for no pictures being up but we took pictures but not on a digital camera so when that camera is developed then ill update it... But on funny thing... A bird during pesach decided to build a nest in our dryer vent and then one day it flew into our apartment so those pictures will be put up (eventually)
p.s.: to those who are sick FEEL BETTER!
Im not takeing any blame for neone being sick so get that straight... well ill feel really bad b/c i was sick 1st..
moshiach now ( u know why? so everyone will be ALL BETTER :)
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